Cynthia St. Charles Store

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Celebrating Silver

SAQA (Studio Art Quilt Association)  is celebrating it's 25th Anniversary this year.
I was among the artists selected to create a commemorative piece for the special show entitled: "Celebrating Silver" curated by Nancy Bavor.

The show will not open for several months, but we had to have the pieces finished and photographed for the catalog by February 1.  I have been working away at my piece the past several months and managed to take a few images of the work in progress.  They do not want the artists to show too much of the piece before the opening, so I did not document my process nearly to the extent I normally would.

But here is a start...

I don't often show my sketchbook entries on my blog, but very often I do sketch something out before I start on a piece.  This is particularly true if I am making something with special dimensions (as in this case).

Here is my single page brainstorm for my Celebrating Silver piece:
I painted many gradations of gray / silver/ to charcoal fabric.  I knew I would be using a collage and print technique.  Here is one of the collaged areas that has been printed.

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