Cynthia St. Charles Store

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Mixed Media Art 15 x 20 - "Man on a Bicycle"

 Mixed media is my new outlet.  I have lots of supplies because I was exploring this avenue a few years ago, but I never followed through.  By the time all my supplies arrived - I was on to something else.  
I have promised myself I will work at this at least until I use up the supplies I have on hand.
This piece needs a coat or two of varnish to tie it all together.  There are some areas that are more matte and some that are more shiny and I know a varnish would fix that.  I also think the brown (cheese cloth) strip on the left is a bit flat looking so maybe I will work on that area a bit more.  Otherwise, I feel pretty good about this first large mixed media piece I have ever done.  I am calling it "Man on a Bicycle", as there is a photo of an ethnic guy on a bike on the left.  It is very faint now under all the paint and printing, but he is there.  Most of the other collaged images have disappeared, and that is something I will need to improve with future pieces.
Above is a smaller detail of the piece.  It has really been fun adding all the layers and watching the transformation.


  1. I think this is beautiful, Cynthia! Ooh, a whole new area to explore. Go for it!

  2. love the layers and texture. It has a great aged patina to it.
