Cynthia St. Charles Store

Monday, March 10, 2014

El Pinacate Lookout

 We followed a side road through El Pinacate to a primitive campground (by this I mean REALLY primitive - there is no outhouse - instead there are instructions for burying your pooh and TP in the desert).  We were not planning on camping, but there was a 1 mile trail to a high point where we could hope for 360 degree views.  The trail climbs over 300 feet in a half a mile, but there was a comfortable breeze.  I was glad I had purchased a tank top, though!  Below are a group of pictures taken from the top of the hill where we could see in all directions.
 This bottom picture shows the Sea of Cortez off in the distance to the left of me.  It is probably 50 miles away.  This park has over 400 cinder cones!  The US astronauts came here to train for their walk on the moon!

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