Cynthia St. Charles Store

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Rocky Point - First Day

 Here are pictures from our first day in Puerto Penasco (Rocky Point in English) in early February.  We were sitting on the deck in our shirtsleeves by 9 AM drinking tea (for me) and coffee (for Joe).  We were pinching ourselves because we knew people back home in Montana were getting dumped with yet more snow and deep cold.  Our beach walk was at about 10 AM and we were getting really hot!  (I didn't bring any shorts!)

I packed only long sleeve t-shirts and flannel shirts because my past winter visits had been much chillier.On the way down,  I stopped in Target at Casa Grande and grabbed some short sleeves and tank tops.  I bought a sundress in Old Port, Puerto Penasco (and I even wore it!).  Every day the temperatures climbed up over 70 degrees - some days into the mid 80's.  A cold rainy spell was rolling in as we left - so we missed it!


  1. One of my friends here goes to Rocky Point every year, but I think they camp... must be a nice spot!

  2. Just found your blog. I love it. I use to live in Mesa and would go to Rocky Point periodically with my friend who had a permanent trailer there. I loved it.
