Cynthia St. Charles Store

Monday, April 14, 2014

Work In Progress -" Rocks and Water" Mixed Media

 This piece is unfinished at this point.  It is sized 10" x 15".  The layers to this point have been:
1. seal illustration board and edges with gesso.
2.  screen print text (Grandma's recipes)
3.  print with bubble wrap and metallic paint
4. paint layers of Golden fluid acrylic, and letting the paint drip down the board to create linear details
5. collage a mountain scene onto the board at the horizon line
6. collage tissue paper using matte medium (diluted)
7. screen print a mountain scene sketch with gold metallic paint
8. collage another layer of found imagery - water overflowing a lot of rocks.
9. collage over with another layer of painted tissue paper.
10.  Rub with pastels to emphasize wrinkles
11 - ?  I am at a pause on this piece.  I really like it so far and I am not wanting to ruin it.  I am waiting for final inspiration. 


  1. Probably wondering why you're getting comments on older work -- I'm a newbie and was hooked when I saw your gorgeous tree quilt. Am just going day by day through your archives and enjoying them thoroughly. I think this piece looks wonderful as is. Am wondering if you developed it further? I have so many old recipes and would like to do something with them. Have never tried mixed media but would like to when I see how they can be incorporated in projects like these. You're very talented.

  2. Jamie, Thank you for your interest in my work and for giving your feedback about specific work. I did go farther with this piece - added a layer of watercolor metallic in a gold color. I thought it would be very transparent, but it was much more opaque than I expected it to be. It is at a standstill as I put it aside. I will probably work on it again this winter. When I do so, I will reference this post and show my steps as I go forward. I am learning a lot with this process!
