Cynthia St. Charles Store

Sunday, May 4, 2014

More Daffodils

 My yard is in full bloom right now and I am so happy to see these happy flowers!
I have been without a laptop for some time.  My Toshiba of 16 months just died and after a while they told me it could not be saved.  It took me a while to replace it and get all the old data transferred.  It has taken even longer to figure out what software I can use on Windows 8.1!  My old Photoshop 7 will not upload and I am heartbroken.  I will have to figure out a new way to manage and edit my photos and this is frustrating!  So much trial and error!

Anyway, that explains the lapse in posts here.  But I think I am back to my routine of daily posts again. 

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about your technology problems! When I got a laptop last year, my PC guy recommended Windows 7 since 8 was brand new... I still lost one or two apps, but glad I took his advice. Hope you get your Photoshop issue resolved quickly (and economically!). Meanwhile, the daffodils are lovely!
