Cynthia St. Charles Store

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Garden Visitor

While tidying up the yard, recently, I discovered this unusual snake beneath a bucket.  I had to do a bit of research to determine what type of snake it is.  I found it on the Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks website and identified it as a Coluber constrictor.  I believe it is a soon to be Mama snake - based on the three lumps near the tail.  Apparently, this snake eats mice and bugs, so I tried not to disturb it.  No idea if it will stick around or move on......


  1. I've never seen a racer. What a pretty snake! Yes, I really do like snakes - at least the ones that aren't trying to bite me. :)

  2. Cool snake. I love wildlife and finding out who I am sharing a home with. Some not so fun but most interesting and amazing
