Cynthia St. Charles Store

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Expanding the Landscape

Looking at the work in progress on the design wall, I felt it needed to be a much more panoramic type view.  Square or almost square was not really working for me, so I started on another one the same size - making this piece potentially about 45" tall x 90" wide.  Standing back for a look - yes - I think this is going in the right direction.


  1. I agree! Thinking of vistas with cliffs and canyons when I see the expanded version...

  2. I think you are right. The "square" shape wasn't as effective as the long one will be....good catch!

  3. I'm loving this Cynthia. Almost like the black "sky" on the right better than the blue on the left. I know that's your background, but have you thought about making this a night time piece?

  4. like it better wider and with the greys instead of the blues. also like the black rather than the blues.

  5. Thanks for your comments indicating you like the black (night) sky. To me, it looks more like an urban scene with the dark sky. Anyway, I am going forward with my plan for blue in the sky.....
