Cynthia St. Charles Store

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Iris Club Bingo Prizes - Hand Printed Potholders.

Big Sky Iris Club has monthly meetings and our September meeting is when we play "Iris Bingo".  Everyone brings prizes that are related to iris in some way.  This year, I decided to make some hand printed potholders for prizes.  I dug around in my scrap box to find some hand dyed fabrics on which to print the iris image with black ink.  Then, I colored it in with fabric markers.  I sewed some strips around the sides, in a "quilt as you go" style - everything was all layered when I started adding the strips - so the quilting was done as each strip was added.  Then, I did free motion quilting around the iris image, trimmed and bound.  I made 10 of these, and finished them up well in advance of the next meeting!    

1 comment:

  1. This made me smile. I knew a young woman east of Billings who grew irises to sell. She was in my writing group. Maybe she's in your group? Jan Myhre, Spokane, WA
