Cynthia St. Charles Store

Friday, October 31, 2014

Logan Pass Weather Coming

As we hiked down from Grinnell Glacier, the temperature became increasingly colder and the wind picked up.  By the time we reached the car it was completely overcast and by the time we were on the road it was socked in and raining.  We reached Logan Pass on the Going to the Sun Highway about the same time the weather did and we were treated to this spectacular sight from the other side.  That night it snowed enough to close Going to the Sun Highway for a couple of days.  We went back to Whitefish and spent the next few days at Flathead Lake and surrounding areas.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Grinnell Glacier Trail Heading Back Down

 Weather was starting to roll in from the east as we headed back down the trail.  There are a couple of these big cairns along the trail close to the glacier.  It looks like people add to the pile as they pass by.  I added mine near the top!
 I love this picture with the trail behind me!
A little lower down - the clouds rolling in and the lakes below.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Western Anemone Seedpod in Glacier National Park

It was wonderful to be visiting late in the summer.  Sure, we missed seeing a lot of flowers, but the seedpods and berries were equally stunning.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Trail to Grinnell Glacier

 Progress was kind of slow because we had to stop so often to take pictures.  It was just stunning at every step.  The light was just great at this early morning hour.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

On the Trail to Grinnell Glacier

The glacier is right above Joe's head in this picture.  We were about 3 miles away at this point.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Lake Josephine in the Morning

The trail to Grinnell Glacier began at Swiftcurrent Lake, where we followed the shore along to Lake Josephine (above).  We paused for a photo from the dock used by the ferry boat that takes passengers to the other end of the lake (saving them a few miles of hiking to get to Grinnell Glacier).  We chose to hike instead of taking the ferry.  We had the trail to ourselves until we got to the other end of the lake, where we met up with the tour group that had just gotten off the boat.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

At the Trailhead for Grinnell Glacier

 We had beautiful weather for (part of) our trip to Glacier National Park, and we'd allowed at least one day for a hike.  We chose to go to Grinnell Glacier, 5 1/2 miles each way from the Swiftcurrent trailhead.  It was described in our guidebook and map as having breathtaking views, so that sounded great.  Here is Joe at the trailhead before we set out at about 8 AM.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Breakfast at Many Glacier

 Steam was rising off Swiftcurrent Creek, too.  We had our breakfast on the banks of Swiftcurrent Lake.  Unbelievable!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Swiftcurrent Lake in the Morning

 One of the rewards of rising early was the opportunity to watch the steam rise off the surface of Swiftcurrent Lake.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Many Glacier Hotel

 We spent the night at Many Glacier and got up early to get some early morning photos of the sun on the mountains.  We were not disappointed (it was chilly, though).

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Going to Glacier National Park

 In September, we spent a week in Northwestern Montana.  Several of those days were spent in Glacier National Park.  There were some beautiful days and some days that were very wintery.  This beautiful day, we drove from the entrance at West Glacier to Many Glacier on the opposite side of the park.  Above, is Lake Sherburne.  Below is Saint Mary Lake.  Both pictures were taken late in the day with the sun dipping low in the sky.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Hungry Horse Dam

Adapted from Wikipedia:  Hungry Horse Dam is an arch dam on the South Fork Flathead River. 

The dam is 564 feet in height and was the third largest dam, and second highest concrete dam, in the world at the time of its completion in 1953.   The dam's spillway is the highest morning glory structure in the world.

 The Hungry Horse Project was built for irrigation, flood control, navigation, stream flow regulation, hydroelectric generation, and other beneficial uses such as recreation.  However, no irrigation facilities were built and the project has no irrigation obligations. Hydroelectric power generation is the primary purpose of the dam today. Flood control is the dam's other main purpose. The dam, reservoir, and surrounding area are used for recreation.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Road Trip.....

Joe and I decided to embark on an autumn road trip.  We headed North and made it as far as St. Ignatius before we ran into a little snag.  Just 1.5 miles from town, we could not get the spare to release from under the car (we Googled this apparently common problem).  Joe had to walk into town to purchase a portable air pump so we could pump the tire up just enough to get into town, where we made it just 30 minutes before the tire shop was scheduled to close.  Whew!  We made it to Whitefish, MT in time for the delicious dinner my sister, Jackie prepared. 

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Fall Colors Along Rock Creek

There is a small window of time for these vivid fall colors in the Beartooth Mountains.  Winter comes early and fall is brief.  I feel really lucky to catch the color change just right - and before the snow makes the roads impassable!