Cynthia St. Charles Store

Friday, October 31, 2014

Logan Pass Weather Coming

As we hiked down from Grinnell Glacier, the temperature became increasingly colder and the wind picked up.  By the time we reached the car it was completely overcast and by the time we were on the road it was socked in and raining.  We reached Logan Pass on the Going to the Sun Highway about the same time the weather did and we were treated to this spectacular sight from the other side.  That night it snowed enough to close Going to the Sun Highway for a couple of days.  We went back to Whitefish and spent the next few days at Flathead Lake and surrounding areas.


  1. Timing is everything! I've so enjoyed these pictures of your Glacier adventure. Visited the park with my parents in my teens & it made a huge impression on me, especially as I 'd just completed my first geology course. I vividly remember Logan pass. This capture of the weather spilling through is fabulous.

  2. So beautifully scary! Imagine being in that. All your pictures have been amazing and beautiful. Such a wonderful area you have. I have never been in that kind of beauty!
