Cynthia St. Charles Store

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Scrap Quilting in Blue

 I have never done a stipple quilting stitch on my domestic machine before.  I found it amazingly easy and fast.  Such a contrast to the intricate machine quilting I do for my art quilts!  I am so pleased to have this little baby quilt all finished.  36 x 48" - I will put it away until someone has a baby.

 I know this quilting is not very pretty, but it is a utility quilt and I am sure the quilting will hold up to a lot of use and washing. 

1 comment:

  1. Pretty or not, this quilt with its myriad of prints and shapes will keep some young eye constantly exploring. I need only think of the quilt on my parent's bed, made in the early 1900's with "conversation" prints of cherries and flower sprigs and...wait, are those really ants? My curious young brain could not conceive that someone would print fabric with insects on it, but there it was. The pieced stars also held my interest but that fabric! It made a lasting impression that perhaps sparked my continuing curiosity to learn what's behind so many things people might take for granted. Much much later as I delved into quilt history and fabric dating, I learned about these conversation prints that might strike us as odd these days.
