Cynthia St. Charles Store

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Sue Reno's New DVD: Surface Design Essentials for the Printed Quilt

 I have always been captivated by Sue Reno's striking prints, and so I was very happy to have an opportunity to view her newly released DVD.  Printmaking is one of my favorite artistic approaches and it is so interesting seeing how Sue uses various printmaking processes in her art.  She explains and demonstrates each of her fabric processes carefully and thoroughly. 

Cyanotype prints - I so love that Prussian blue and white contrast!  I have never used cyanotype and have always been a bit intimidated by the idea of using those photo sensitive chemicals.  Sue has completely de-mystified this process for us all!  

Find Sues' DVD here:
Tomorrow, check out what Natalya Aikens has to say about Sue Reno's new DVD:

1 comment:

  1. Sue Reno's work has called out to me from photos on national textile exhibitions, from the awards and recognition she has received in the greater field of all exhibition art and from following her work on her blog. Her explorations of a variety of printing methods to add photos to her work has been interesting and stirred me to experiment in my own studio. I look forward to having her DVD with instructions that I can refer to again and again while working with cloth. Kristin
