Cynthia St. Charles Store

Friday, January 9, 2015

2015 Abstract Art Study

 Over the past several years, I have committed to some kind of daily or weekly artistic discipline for myself.  2014 was a daily mixed media junk mail postcard - and I happily created 365 mixed media postcards.  This year, I am going for a weekly abstract art challenge.  I plan to use exercises from Rolina van Vliet's book:  Painting Abstracts as my inspiration and guide.

There are 65 exercises in the book, more than enough to do one per week.  I will plan to do at least one per week, if not more, and I will post my progress each weekend through 2015.



  1. I also just bought this book! Maybe I'll try and work along with you. I have really enjoyed all the postings on your blog and the latest petroglyph canyon piece is wonderful. Lynn

  2. Looks like an excellent book. May have to check it out myself.

  3. Just checked and the book is not in the library so it went on my list to consider for purchase. So looking forward to following your exploration of abstraction. The petroglyph work is wonderful...following the quilting posts has been a pleasure for me. Kristin
