Cynthia St. Charles Store

Monday, May 25, 2015

One Last Post about the Charlie Russell Chew Choo

 This grain elevator is all that's left of the former town of Ware, Montana.  There was once a village of 300 here. 
Another view of a trestle passing over the Judith River with the Judith Mountains off in the distance (above).  
Our rambling singer (below).  There was a lot of dancing and singing after the prime rib dinner was cleared away.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Charlie Russell Chew Choo Showdown Skit

After robbing the train, all the characters disembarked and then there was a little shoot out in the town for all to see. 

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Charlie Russell Chew Choo Train Robbery

 The outlaw gunmen followed the girls onto the train and they all did their best to pick up what was left of the "money" on our tables.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Charlie Russell Chew Choo Train Stop

 The girls made their way through the train first, stopping to visit at each table, picking up what they could of the "fake money" that had been provided at our tables.  Lots of flirting going on with this group!

Pretty much every male passenger was left with a big lipstick kiss on them someplace.  Young and old were especially treated with kisses.  We saw a lot of young boys and men with lipstick kiss marks on their cheeks!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Charlie Russell Train Hold Up

 Rustlers on horseback stopped the train near this little "town". 
 The first to board the train were the "girls".

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

National Academy of Sciences Exhibition!!!!

Opening today, and running for 5 months - the SAQA Radical Elements exhibition.  The National Academy of Sciences Museum is located on the mall in Washington DC!

My piece in the exhibition is called "Zinc" - it is about the element Zinc in the periodic table of elements.  The middle layer of this "quilt" is actually made of thin sheets of zinc.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Charlie Russell Chew Choo Scenery

 In early May, the grass is just greening up in Central Montana.  The tracks pass through vast agricultural areas and a few abandoned towns.  We were able to view 5 different mountain ranges from the train as we traveled along the tracks to Denton.  Above - the Big Snowy Mountains are off in the distance.  Below, the Judith Mountains - closer and snowless.

The train passes over three huge trestles along the way.  These are amazing works of engineering and construction!  Above, the view down to the Judith River, with the trestle shadow and a bit of the Judith mountains off in the distance.

If you are interested - here is the website:

Monday, May 18, 2015

Charlie Russell Chew Choo, Lewistown, Montana

I recently had the pleasure of riding this historic dinner train called the Charlie Russell Chew Choo.  We boarded the train just outside Lewistown, Montana.  Our group included my husband and myself, my parents, my older sister and her husband.  Here is what it looked like as we were climbing aboard about 1 PM on a May afternoon.  We knew we would be served a multiple course prime rib dinner and there would be entertainment.  This was our first experience on the Charlie Russell Chew Choo.  Adding to the fun - a film crew from the Food Network was there filming for a segment on their channel.  I believe it will be on "Worlds Weirdest Restaurants", but I do not yet know the dates it will be showing.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Omar's Torch Airlbred Iris

Arilbred iris are a cross between a bearded iris and an iris with aril heritage.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Turkish Topaz Aril Iris

 This aril species iris is native and found in the wild in the middle east (Turkey, I assume).  It was introduced by Austin in 1975. 

Monday, May 11, 2015

Lemon Pop Intermediate Bearded Iris

 The Intermediate Bearded Iris are starting to bloom now.  They are called Intermediate because their bloom time falls between the Dwarf Iris and Tall Bearded iris.  They are also of an intermediate height - shorter and smaller than the Tall Bearded iris, but taller and larger than the dwarfs.

This Lemon Pop flower has extra falls and standards.  Unusual, but reportedly caused by extreme weather fluctuations when the flower is forming.  It was introduced in 1990 by Lauer.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Apple Blossoms

I have a very old Transparent apple tree near my house.  As an old variety, it blooms and bears apples on alternate years.  This is a blooming and bearing year.  It is also the longest we have ever had the blossoms stay on.  Often they are blown off by a big wind or something.  Lots of bees buzzing around so maybe we will have a good apple crop.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Fires of Fiji - Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris

 Fires of Fiji is a Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris introduced in 2003 by Black.  One of my favorite SDB's.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Bull Snake Crossing

Heading home recently, I had to stop about a mile from home to allow this Bull Snake to cross the road.  Bull snakes are harmless to humans and pets.  They eat mice, etc.  We see these snakes occasionally in spring.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Species iris lutescens

This little iris is one of the first to bloom at my house.  It is planted along the driveway in a rocky dry area in a patch of weeds.  It is thriving on neglect!   I believe this came from the Big Sky Iris Club plant sale, but it had no identification.  I posted the image on a Facebook Iris group and someone told me it is iris lutescens - a species that was found in the wild on the Crimean peninsula.  It was identified by a French botanist in 1789.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Dinky Doodle Miniature Dwarf Iris

This little iris measures about 2" diameter.  It stands about 6" tall.  Known as Miniature Dwarf Iris, these little gems are so charming.  This one is called Dinky Doodle.  It was introduced by Black in 2000.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Extra extra iris

This Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris is called "Holy Friar".  It has six falls and four standards (normal is three of each).  I have heard this deformity is caused by extreme changes in weather during the time the flowers are developing.  All the other iris on the plant have the normal number of petals.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Dwarf Bearded Iris - Earth and Sky

 This is a charming little dwarf iris called "Earth and Sky".  It was introduced by Spoon in 2006.  This is my first year with this iris.  It is a rebloomer and I am hoping for more flowers later in the summer or early fall.