Cynthia St. Charles Store

Monday, May 18, 2015

Charlie Russell Chew Choo, Lewistown, Montana

I recently had the pleasure of riding this historic dinner train called the Charlie Russell Chew Choo.  We boarded the train just outside Lewistown, Montana.  Our group included my husband and myself, my parents, my older sister and her husband.  Here is what it looked like as we were climbing aboard about 1 PM on a May afternoon.  We knew we would be served a multiple course prime rib dinner and there would be entertainment.  This was our first experience on the Charlie Russell Chew Choo.  Adding to the fun - a film crew from the Food Network was there filming for a segment on their channel.  I believe it will be on "Worlds Weirdest Restaurants", but I do not yet know the dates it will be showing.

1 comment:

  1. What fun! Being a railroad brat, I love that they are using trains to preserve some of the enjoyment of rail travel, and what a great way to do it!
