Cynthia St. Charles Store

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Wragnell - St. Elias National Park

 OK - back to telling you about my trip to Alaska this past summer!  I was very interested in visiting the nation's largest National Park - Wragnell - St. Elias.  There are two roads that go into the park.  Otherwise, it is only accessible via bush plane.  We were driving, and I really hoped to be able to drive both gravel roads into the park, but weather only allowed us to drive the McCarthy Highway.  I find it amazing that they call it a highway, because it is a gravel road - a 59 mile long gravel road!  There is a bit of chip-sealed road, also - making the adventure into Wragnell - St. Elias a 93 mile (one way) excursion.  We were thrilled that the weather began to clear as we made our way along this road.  We had been driving in the rain and wind and heavy, low lying clouds for many days by this time.   We were thrilled to be able to see some of the mountains, at last.

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