Cynthia St. Charles Store

Friday, May 6, 2016

Dye Patterns in the Running

Here is another UFO.  It is about 45 x 60", shown here cropped with photo editing to about 45 x 45".  The quilting has already been done and it was trimmed, but not bound. I was experimenting with using some of my surface design fabrics in large patches.  I feel that the fabrics are interesting on their own.  Interesting and exciting to me, anyway and finding a way to combine them was challenging.

This one was put aside because I was not sure it was dynamic enough.  I think it might work for the Dinner@Eight challenge.  I would call it Dye Patterns or something like that.  All the fabrics are different types of surface design with dye.  I am thinking maybe I can give it more life with some added elements that will create even more patterns.  The two circles and vertical strip of white print are just pinned in place on the design wall as I consider my options.

I apologize for the quality of the photo.  I did not have my SLR and was using my tablet.  The tablet is a great tool for working through imagery on the design wall, but the photos are too low res for the web. 

1 comment:

  1. Really like this one too.You may have a series at the end of the day:)))
