Cynthia St. Charles Store

Monday, January 7, 2008

More Journal Pages

Behold, the cover:Tagboard, words cut from a mail order catalog, sponge painted, stamped and screen printed.
Free motion stitched and sealed with gel medium.

Junk mail that has been painted, stamped, and screen printed.

The red page on the left was a page from my entry in the 2007 IQF judged show. I was cleaning out my folder and since I am finished with that event (and have even sold the quilt that was juried in!) - I decided it would make a wonderful foundation for a journal page. The Chinese characters say, "Artist".

These two pages are gelatin plate prints. The one on the left is leaves and the one on the right is Buffalo grass.

The screen print on the left is of a turkey vulture in flight. The right side image is a print of koi that turned out kind of fuzzy.

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