Cynthia St. Charles Store

Monday, January 7, 2008

Transforming December 2007

My giant 2007 calendar came off the wall yesterday and December landed on my work table. I taped it down and gave it a good wash with Scarlet MX dye. I love the way dye transforms a dull white surface to a vivid color spectacle.

After the dye dried, I stamped with one of my homemade stamps, which had been cut from a piece of plumbers rubber gasket material. The rubber was mounted on a block of wood with water resistant double sided carpet tape, which holds up well to a lot of washings.

I've added some screen prints of cellular images.


  1. Good Golly - who would 'a' thunk a calender could be this wonderful ! Terrific !

  2. This is mouthwateringly stunning (sorry about the mixed metaphor)
    I always enjoy your blog so I've nominated you for a Make My Day Award - hope you don't mind - details on my blog!
