Cynthia St. Charles Store

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Pueblo Pesquero Mexicano

Pueblo Pesquero Mexicano
This piece is now showing at the Fall International Quilt Festival in Houston. It measures 48" x 57" and is a hand painted glue gel resisted whole cloth quilt. It is part of the Festival Gallery of Quilt Art: Town and Country. As part of this exhibit, it will be shown in various venues over the next three years. There is also a CD catalog of the exhibit being sold. I had a preview of the CD and it is phenomenal. I feel so honored to be included in the exhibit.

The imagery on this piece was inspired by a trip to the Mexican fishing village of Puerto Penasco - or Rocky Point. My sister has property there, and we spent Spring Break together there a few years ago. I used my photos of the village as a visual guide for the shapes of the buildings and the color scheme. My photos were taken from the boat as we went out for deep sea fishing.


  1. oH WOW! These pieces are stunning Cynthia!

    Cant wait to get my basement finished to be able to get down there and start doing some great painting and dying on fabric!


  2. Your work is beautiful! I played around with the blue gel glue but didn't do nearly as nice stuff as yours.You have inspired me to give it another try. Those trees in one of your other posts are fabulous!!!

  3. A really amazing piece of work ...cannot imagine where to begin with something like that...the detail is wonderful and I must try to do something like that...ha ha!
