Cynthia St. Charles Store

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Pryor Mountains - Bear Canyon

Pryor Mountains - Bear Canyon

This time of year, when the Beartooth highway is closed due to snow, we turn our attention to the vast areas of BLM and State land in the Pryor Mountain area south of Billings. Above, a view to the west from Bear Canyon in the Pryor Mts. This area is primarily high desert. Very arid.
Bear Canyon Parking Area

We followed the rough road into Bear Canyon. This is essentially a 4 x 4 road. High rocks and deep ruts. The road passed through the high desert of sagebrush and rabbit bush. Remarkably, we discovered a different ecosystem as we climbed deeper into the canyon.Although the creek is dry this time of year, it appears to be very wet in the spring. There is a dense deciduous forest of cottonwoods and aspens. Brambles, underbrush, and vines grow higher than our heads here.

Align Center
The trees are changing color and falling off now.

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