Cynthia St. Charles Store

Monday, April 6, 2009

Fa bric Painting Printing Progress

I am calling this piece "Red Rocks" - inspired by our winter getaway to Nevada, Arizona and Mexico.

I began by painting colors we saw in the rock formations of the area. I used Pebeo Setacolor transparent paints, diluted 50% with water. Applied with broad strokes on damp fabric, as shown above. For this project, I laid cheesecloth over the broadcloth, painting two layers at once.This is what the broadcloth looked like after it dried, before ironing.

Here is what it looked like after block printing with the same rock inspired colors.

I did include Jacquard Lumiere metallic to create iridescence.

I also used Setacolor opaques to create depth. I do not dilute the paint for stamping - just use it straight from the bottle.

I have a very specific plan for this piece. I will be applying fusible web to the cheesecloth and will be following with screen printing. I am excited about this piece!


  1. thanks for showing us all the layers that go into the final piece..lovely fabric

  2. Very cool stamps- you must have made those as well. Excellent!
