Cynthia St. Charles Store

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Beartooth Mountains - East Rosebud Trailhead

Joe and I had a multi-day backpacking trip planned for late August, but I feared my injury would make it impossible. Happily, the Doctor said it would be OK for me to go as long as I wore the brace around the clock. So, after monitoring the weather forecast, we chose our dates and packed our backpacks for 4 days in the wilderness.
We had never done this hike - originating at the East Rosebud Trailhead. This is a popular trail for a 26 mile trek through the Beartooth Mountains - known as "The Beaten Path". Because of my injury, we planned to hike as far as Rainbow Lake, where we would set up a base camp, doing day hikes from there.

Starting out on the trail - a last look at East Rosebud Lake (above), near the trailhead, which is at 6208 feet elevation.
Up ahead - we got a closer view of the rugged valley we would climb into.

The trail followed close to East Rosebud Creek through the valley. The sound of rushing water echoed through the valley, bouncing off the granite walls and spires.

Uphill all the way!


  1. Will you please stop posting those gorgeous pictures! :-)
    I'm stuck in a dark office, with the heat and pollution outside, rain falling at my workplace but not at home (15 miles away) so that my garden is burnt and dry. And you show me those pictures! I can even smell and hear the water from the other side of the ocean, as well as the fresh air. This is not fair :-)

  2. You truly live in a beautiful state! Thanks for sharing it with us... yeah, I'm jealous too!
