Cynthia St. Charles Store

Friday, August 28, 2009

Beartooth Mountains - Rimrock Lake

We were delighted to finally climb over a rise to catch our first view of Rimrock Lake.
This lake is at 7540 feet elevation, and is 6 miles in from the trailhead.

We were grateful for a cool breeze to keep the bugs away and dry our sweaty bodies. It was a very warm sunny day - and a rather steep climb.

After a snack, we climbed down to cross the outlet on a sturdy wooden bridge, then we continued around the lake on a trail that has been carefully carved out of the granite wall along the lake. You can see the trail on the right side of this picture - just below the huge gray boulder.

Moving around the lake, we discovered the inlet - a waterfall. Nearly every lake on this trail has a waterfall at the inlet.

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