Cynthia St. Charles Store

Friday, August 7, 2009

Beartooth Mountains - Hellroaring Plateau

The access to Hellroaring Plateau in the Beartooth Mountains is a rough and steep jeep road about 7 miles from the campground at Rock Creek.

The trailhead is probably around 10,000 feet in altitude.

From the trailhead, there is an old mining road, which is closed because it is in the designated wilderness, but this road makes a good hiking trail. No wheeled vehicles can travel here.

Once off the abandoned mining road, there is open plateau and occasional cairns to guide you.

The views were just breathtaking and we marveled at the way huge granite boulders were deposited along the top of the plateau by glaciers.

This is Mount Rearguard - it is 12280 feet high. Last summer my husband Joe, led a party to the summit of this peak. I did not go along on that trip.

Joe's great find - a partial arrowhead - he found it on the top of the plateau. It has obviously been flint napped on all edges and is of a different stone than any other in the area.


  1. Georgeous views! We don't get glacial erratics in Texas, so it's nice to see yours! Lovely, lovely boulders!

  2. Would an f-150 make it to the trailhead, or would you say it is jeep only?

  3. Yes, Ayudell - I do think any 4 wheel drive will make it up the road, but be aware - it is a steep grade, very rough road, with sheer drop-offs in some areas. It will likely take around 1 hour to drive the 7 miles (or more if you are very cautious). This road is not for the faint of heart, but is a great adventure! Sorry to have to reply in the comment format, but you did not give me your email address.

  4. Thank you for the reply. Beautiful pictures, thanks for sharing.

  5. Found your blog using Google search and the term Hellroaring along with Red Lodge and Montana... was trying to find some definitive information about some of the things we saw while atop the plateau... nice write-up you've posted... you might like to see the post on my vacation blog... (my other half may be interested in a guided hike (next year) to the top of Mt. Rearguard... does your husband hire out or just do that trek for his own pleasure?)
