Cynthia St. Charles Store

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Mexican Hat

This certainly does seem to be the summer for different wildflowers on our property. I've not seen these Mexican Hats flowering here before. After I took this picture, I noticed some along the road nearby, as well.

Another idea for future work . . . !


  1. I love Mexican Hat, but can't seem to get them to grow in our yard! When we walk up the road, there are beautiful deep burgundy red ones... I bought seeds two years ago, planted, but nothing... sigh!

  2. What an amazing wild flower! There is a quilt in there somewhere! By the way I love your indigo dying - will wait for summer here and then try some!

  3. Thanks for the flower pics. We have no rain, and no flowers. Hot and dry here in Central Texas. I miss the days of driving north in the summer.

    Loved the indigo posts! Nice work!
