Cynthia St. Charles Store

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Cairns #2

This is the second piece in the "Cairns" series. Cairns are stacks of stones that are placed in treeless rocky areas to indicate trails or paths. I think they are interesting visually, but also representation . . . I enjoy thinking about the significance of these man made structures and I feel they really compliment the imagery of the petroglyphs - which are also man made - and a way for people who came before to communicate with those coming behind (pictures in stone).

So fascinating to consider the ways people have used what is in the natural environment to communicate.

I also really love this petroglyph couple. Notice the male and female distinguishing characteristics. So fascinating that these details were included in this petroglyph - which is located in Painted Desert National Park in Arizona.

This piece is stretched around a 16 x 20" stretcher bars.


  1. Cynthia, this is wonderful. I am fanatical about tribal images, as well... I find the ability of man, even ancient man, to create art out of his environment to be endlessly fascinating.
