Cynthia St. Charles Store

Friday, September 18, 2009

Growth Thru Art - Birds

I love my time in the wilderness. It inspires me and feeds my soul. It keeps me going through the long Montana winters when I am stuck indoors and the mountain roads are closed due to snow.

Still, for all that inspiration - I find it difficult to transition.
I am back , but it's hard to focus on creative processes. I am home, my studio is waiting, but I don't quite know what to do with myself.

This is a good time to tidy up, and in that process - finish up those projects that are laying around cluttering up my workspace.

Last winter, I worked with Growth Thru Art, a creative workshop for developmentally disabled adults. We painted fabric, which I was then charged with converting into something marketable for their annual fundraiser.

Thankfully, the members of WAV pitched in to help with that, and I have been collecting some really wonderful items for the fundraiser.

I started these birds at the suggestion of Patricia, who left a comment and a link after reading about all the fabric on my blog in this entry. I was not thrilled with them, and was not liking the tedious task of stuffing them.

However, this seemed like something I would be able to do with my broken arm.
Viola' !

They will be arranged on branches to create a mobile.


  1. I have some left from a project our guild did (added to christmas stockings last year for childrens home). I would be happy to donate these already stuffed birds from a different flock to your mobile.

  2. Hi Patricia, Thanks for your generous offer! I have the 5 bird mobile already put together - just have not taken a picture of it yet! Do you have enough for another mobile? If so - I'd be glad to take them. Please send me your email address (directly to my email and we can make arrangements.
