Cynthia St. Charles Store

Friday, December 28, 2012

Block Printing over Gray

 I wanted to see how it would look if I overprinted the gray with blue and yellow.  I am thinking about Starry Night here - I guess it is obvious.  I just have to say that no matter how many times I do the block printing I am still always surprised by the way it completely transforms the piece.  I love the fact that this happens. . . . and especially that it is still possible to see the underlying fabric and any screen printing I may have done already.  I find this process really interesting, compelling me to continue with it.
A few yellow branches screen printed on - well, I am not crazy about the way the branches look here - they would have been better in white or very pale gray, I think - or even black.  Hmmmm.....this gives me something to ponder as I turn to a larger piece in gray.

1 comment:

  1. Cynthia
    This piece certainly has a "wow" factor.
    Look forward to seeing the larger piece
