Cynthia St. Charles Store

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Gray Collage

So, here's that gray collage!   I have been working up to doing it, but paving the way with a couple of smaller pieces.  This one is sort of a medium large size - about 50" wide.   The fabrics are all hand painted with Setacolor transparent fabric paints.  I put fusible web (Mistyfuse) on the back of all these fabrics and they are fused to the batting.  This makes a good smooth surface for printing.  The printing will be coming up next!

I just have to say - this working without color is a bit of a stretch for me.  I just don't do gray.  This is a first!


  1. I've been watching the "greys" with interest (since it would be quite a stretch for me, as well!). I like how it's going so far. I really like what you've done with Starry Nights, and look forward to the on-going process. So interesting!

  2. I have been thinking of working with grays for awhile, and know it will be hard not to add color in somewhere! But as I look at your photo, the lights and darks, as well as the variations of the grays, do show color, just very subtly. I think this piece will be very dramatic and striking if it comes out the way your other recent pieces did.
