Cynthia St. Charles Store

Friday, January 25, 2013

Blue Collage

 Here is the blue collage all laid out on the Teflon table - this is before I used the iron to fuse the pieces in place.  Below - it is up on the design wall - everything is fused in place and I am pondering the orientation . . . that lighter area has me a bit perplexed - should it be towards the top or towards the bottom?

1 comment:

  1. Cynthia, as always, I am in awe of your work. I have a question. When you assemble your mosaics, do you create the collage (with the pre-mistyfused fabric) on a Teflon sheet then transfer the whole to the batting; or, do you assemble the collage directly on the batting?

    Also, when you steam a quilt for blocking, does that not affect the Mistyfuse?

    Thank you for your time.
