Cynthia St. Charles Store

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Yellow Text on Blue

 I am using yellow screenprinting ink to print text across the surface of this collage.
The text Thermofax screens are adapted from writings of my grandmothers and some that I have written.
I use plastic disposable plates for my palette.  I reuse the plates over and over.  I have several so I can easily switch from one color to the next.  The paint dries and it does not reactivate when a new color is added to the palette.

1 comment:

  1. You always do such beautiful and interesting work. And, you're soooo prolific! I love following along with your procedures and I'm always pleasantly surprised with your outcomes.

    On another note...if I manage to get this comment to work, then I will have tried - at last count 6 times - to get through comment moderation
