Cynthia St. Charles Store

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Screen Printing the Binding

 If you follow my blog, you know that I have gone to doing fused bindings that are printed to blend with the quilt.  (I have a tutorial on the binding here).  For this piece - I fused coordinating (left over from the collage) hand painted fabric to the binding, then did the block printing with white paint, as can be seen on the top edge of the quilt in the pictures.  I felt the binding needed bushes on it, also - so I decided to just print them directly on the (already fused in place) binding.  I put down painters tape right along the edge of the binding to protect the quilt before printing.

Once it is dry, the tape peels away easily, revealing the printed binding.  Next - I will quilt the binding to finish it off.

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