Cynthia St. Charles Store

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum Show Opening

 The opening reception was last evening and it was a lovely affair.  I was gifted with a corsage!  I was showered with attention and my work seemed to interest the crowd.  There was a good turnout.  The food was wonderful.  Five pieces sold already!  I am not able to get more pictures up - the Internet connection at my hotel is very poor.  Maybe more will come later.  31 pieces were hung and they did a great job making it look smashing.  Many thanks to all the staff and volunteers at the Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum!


  1. Wow! What an amazing show this must be, and your pieces look wonderful! And congrats on the sales... hope that many more sell before take-down!

  2. I am so happy for you! 5 pieces sold! That is great. Of course your work is breathtaking so why not!

  3. How nice for you, Cynthia! Congratulations ~ beautiful display!

  4. Congratulations Cynthia. It looks like a wonderful show.

  5. I saw the show on Saturday and was totally "blown away" by your marvelous quilts. I came home with lots of inspiration and the desire to create. Thanks for sharing your book of photos and techniques as well.

  6. I just saw the show yesterday and fell in love with your work. Thanks for the inspiration.

  7. Congrats on a very successful show, Cynthia! Wish I lived close enough to see it. I love how in the first photo your fabulous coat makes you look like you are a part of your quilt behind you!
