Cynthia St. Charles Store

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Yellow Stars and Moon

 Well, it's back home and back to the studio again!  Our drive home was uneventful (the drive to Denver was problematic - slow - on account of weather and bad roads and required an alternate, longer route of travel).  It was a great trip, nevertheless.  It is nice to be able to walk back into the studio and pick up where I left off with my work!

I've cut the yellow hand dyed organza into various sized circles and have fused them in scattered locations around the surface of the quilt.  I am happier now and feel I can move forward with the next phase of screen printing.
As before, I take some time to audition placement of the screen printing.  I toyed with making some new screens - I felt this piece might really benefit from something taller.  I also contemplated fusing a raw edge applique tree or something ...... but then I ended up deciding to stick with the tree screens - keeping with my series. I hope the proportions come out OK.  We'll see . . . .

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