Cynthia St. Charles Store

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Quilting the Wind Turbines

At this stage of completion, I am going to have to limit my blog posting to this one last detail shot.  The artists have been asked not to reveal our pieces on our blogs or websites.  I did not get any pictures of the fossil fabric when I was making was a hectic time and I had no Photoshop for photo editing since my hard drive had crashed and my laptop was sent away for repair.  That is one of the many things that slipped through the cracks from late September to late October.  But here is a rather fuzzy shot - you get the idea.

I am afraid this is the most complete image I will be showing you until after the show opens in the spring.  I am happy to report that I was able to complete this entire quilt from plain white and black fabric in just two weeks.  It is fully quilted and bound, with the sleeve stitched in place.  It measures 72 x 72".  I have been able to get it professionally photographed, too.  So this one is behind me now.  Whew!


  1. Congratulations! I think your idea of fusing the wind turbines made a lot of sense and your overall design is very strong and compelling... can't wait to see the photo of the completed piece!

  2. Talk about being on a mission - what a lot of work in a short timeframe! But I can see it was all the experimenting & developing of themes on previous quilts that made it possible. In a crunch, your skills & design sense developed over time must have sustained you a bit like muscle memory. It's inspiring to witness your hard work & persistence pay off.

  3. From what I can see this looks fabulous. Hard to believe that you got all that done in 2 weeks, congrats on such an exciting piece!
