Cynthia St. Charles Store

Monday, October 28, 2013

Wind Turbines

I have used fusible raw edge applique for the very large wind turbines.  The smaller ones are Thermofax Screen prints.  All are adapted from my own photographs of the Judith Gap Wind Farm in Central Montana.


  1. This is going to be gorgeous! I love what you've done so far.

  2. First of all, I am so happy to see your blog back in operation. I have missed it/you. Second, this piece is going to be wonderful! Thirdly? I was hoping you might be coming to Houston this time. I so want to meet you. I will patiently await that opportunity.

  3. I am loving. Nothing like a deadline for getting work done!

  4. Oh, this is really looking fabulous! That was such a good move to applique rather than paint to open up your design options. Carry on!

  5. Thanks for all the encouragement and support! I am happy to be back and sorry I am not attending Quilt Festival in Houston.
