Cynthia St. Charles Store

Sunday, December 22, 2013

"Learning to Cook #1" Full view

Here is a full view of "Learning to Cook #2".  Trimmed and bound - it measures 29" wide by 53" high, vertical orientation.  

I am so happy with the way this turned out that I am going to use the same theme to tackle the rest of the unfinished fabric collages I have laying around the studio (there are four I can see right now).  I will use my grandmothers' recipes as the foundation printing as I build up the collage surface.  I plan to continue developing my skill with abstract imagery (a big challenge) through this process.

Here is what I started with:


  1. It came out beautifully! It is rich, full of visual interest, and reflects the time and effort you put into it... very nice! I really loved watching as you encountered and overcame challenges along the way... thanks for sharing about it!

  2. Amazing! Watching the entire process over the last few weeks has been a fascinating to say the least.

  3. It's been fun watching the journey! This piece is outstanding.

  4. It looks fantastic. I'm glad it worked out so well for you.

  5. What a difference changing the orientation makes. I've been on the fence about this piece throughout its progress but as usual you find that last piece of the puzzle that makes it work.
