Cynthia St. Charles Store

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Quilting - Learning to Cook

 The quilting helps pull everything together, and I feel this is the best choice I could have made and am happy with the results. 
 While I've been floundering along with design choices, I have also been mulling various titles.  I think I am going to call this piece "Learning to Cook".  The title exemplifies the challenges I faced picking up this collage that was started two years ago and bringing it to closure.  It also relates to the screen printed recipes in my grandmother's handwriting, and even to the random messy screen printed lines. 


  1. I think it's absolutely wonderful! What will you be doing with it now that it's finished? Will it go in a show, will it go on your wall, will you be selling it?

  2. I have no immediate plans for this piece. I am always working to build my body of work and send things out for show whenever possible. No specific plans at this point, but stay tuned - I try to announce here when I have work showing somewhere.
