Cynthia St. Charles Store

Friday, January 31, 2014

Mixed Media Daily Postcards January 1 - 6

I have decided to commit to a daily art project, 
and I have settled on working with mixed media in a 4 x 6" postcard size.  
Here are my first six.
January 1 and 2
 January 3 & 4
 January 5 & 6

 I am using a variety of techniques:  paint, print, photos, collage, markers, colored pencils, doodling, fabric, stitching, etc.  I don't have many rules for these other than the size.  I am sort of using them as an art journal of sorts - I hope they reflect what ever else may be going on in my life at the time.....I am using junk mail, scraps of lists and receipts, favorite photos, journaling a little bit on some of them.....I am recycling some of my failed artwork.......a lot of random stuff that I hope ends up being interesting as a whole once I have 365 of these done.  At this point, I have finished 31 of them for the month of January.  I am not sure I will post all of them on this blog.  I know some people create another separate blog for their daily art.  I don't think these are interesting enough to warrant their own blog at this point (and I feel like that might take the fun out of it for me - too much pressure to create something blog worthy)!  I will post the mixed media postcards I made for January over the next couple of days.  Let me know what you think! 

I will be taking supplies with me when I travel (to Mexico in a week or two) and I will be working on these every day.  This will be part of my "Morning Pages" - daily art meditation as I revisit "The Artist's Way" by Julia Cameron. 


  1. Sounds like a nice way to refresh yourself! Change of scenery, change of pace, creatively. Will miss your posts, but you deserve a break! Have a nice trip...

  2. I really like the density of colour and marks on these pieces, you must have a better quality of junk mail than I have!
    I totally agree about not posting everyday. In fact selecting half a dozen to represent each month would be a useful exercise in itself. Selecting from a body of work makes you see things differently - and it will be interesting to see whether any trends appear over time.

  3. I agree with Linda, I hadn't thought of that. but it is also good to have an overall record. Perhaps you could post the total pieces onto a 'page' on your blog?
    I have been doing daily beads through 2013 and am carrying it on. I post the week's beading results every Sunday. Then it doesn't take over the blog. Linda McLaughlin is doing a daily stitching. It really is inspirational to see a month's worth all together. At the very least, it has a way of helping you feel like you did achieve something on months when other things get in the way.
    Sandy in the UK

  4. Have been scrolling through your weekly posts, and really love what you're doing with these. Feeling inspired to try something along these lines -- maybe a weekly postcard day? -- to get back into paper-art play (vs. fabric). I'm off to rummage in the recycle bin for card-stock rejects, quick, before hubs takes the trash out...
    Thanks for the inspiration!
