Cynthia St. Charles Store

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Recipes In White

 I've proceeded with white printing of my grandmother's recipes.  I do think this is a significant improvement, but I am not sure I like it, really. 
 At this point, I could peel away all the colored squares.  Those places are not yet quilted.  
I am undecided about this one, also.  This has been really interesting - going back to work begun two years ago and trying to finish it now.  I had hoped for a better success rate, but I am learning as I go.  Abstract is challenging for me. 


  1. I think the print over the color has brought the piece together! Somehow, it reminds me of making soup... adding ingredients, tasting to see if anything more needs to be added. One thing about these past few projects is you didn't have a solid idea in mind, just wanted to try and improve on the existing piece. I like to give myself time to 'play' so I can experiment a little. That's a great way to break out of the mold, isn't it?

  2. Cut it into three pieces vertically. I think that the proportions and a horizontal orientation isn't working.

  3. I like linda's idea, but I think the overprinting has really made it beautiful and the coloured squares do make it more interesting than it would be.

  4. I really like it too. I wasn't sure before when it just had the coloured squares on but the text has brought it to life for me too. I'm sure the quilting will be just as effective.

  5. Hello, I'm writing from France. I've been watching all the recipees quilts. I think this last one is the best. I like the white writing of the recipees, on the printed background. I like the opposition between the coloured small squares and the "beige" . I love your stamps. Go on !
