Cynthia St. Charles Store

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Natural Dyed Collage

As I work through my stack of unfinished pieces - I have come to this collage of naturally dyed silk and cotton fabrics that was overprinted with metallic paints and block prints, then quilted. 

I made this piece about 2 years ago and never took it any further than the quilting and final trimming.  It did not inspire me.  I felt (and still do) that the darker fabric around the edges is distracting.  It just looks very bland to me. 

Those naturally dyed fabrics are precious, though and I hate to think of just tossing this in the trash.  I will see if I can improve it with some additional layers.....not sure what I will do, but I am going to dive in.


  1. absolutely gorgeous just the way it is...not you perhaps, but I love it!

  2. If nothing else, I really enjoyed studying the printing on this. But it is also another case of audience & artist being of two minds. When it came up on my screen I thought " Oh! How vibrant!" All those block images look to be in high relief really showing them off which doesn't seem to be the way you've been working lately. I can see your point though, especially about the outer edge & it will be interesting to see where you take this. Lets see you transform a good piece into an exceptional one, no pressure. ;-)

  3. As with all your work this is glorious nd the prints remind me of nautilus or ammonites. Love it.

  4. Another maybe tricky idea might be to overdye it.

  5. Cynthia, that is a beautiful piece as is. Jump out of your comfort zone. Bind the quilt and enjoy the restful quality it invokes, Not everything must be imbued with bright colors. After following your blog, I think this is one of the best pieces you have done. Altho it clearly is not the same style as your recent pieces, it is a beautiful piece that is well composed.

  6. I think this is very beautiful and you should hang it. So wonderful. I have always wanted to do a tone on tone type quilt. Love it.

  7. Let me just say, for those who are liking this piece - it was a smaller piece I did to work out design problems for a much larger piece. I have a collage of naturally dyed silks and cottons (unfinished) that measures about 75 x 55". I will take your comments to heart when I begin to work on that piece. This one - was an experiment from the start. I am going to do some more experimentation and see where it takes me.
