Cynthia St. Charles Store

Friday, November 27, 2015

Scanned Visual Journal Pages - Mixed Media

 There are many layers to these pages.  I probably should have taken more pictures as I developed the journal, but honestly, I was not sure it would turn out well in the end or be worth sharing. 

Additionally, this is supposed to be just a personal thing I am doing for my own artistic development.  It seems sort of invasive (and stifling to the creative process) to be taking process pictures and thinking about sharing it with the world.
 We saw SO MUCH of this vibrant and beautiful Fireweed on our travels through Canada and Alaska.  It was literally along every roadside of the trip.  As we drove along, I really thought a lot about what imagery from the trip would make it's way into my work and I knew I wanted to work with Fireweed.  I spent a cloudy afternoon in Chicken, Alaska (our last stop in Alaska) taking pictures of the Fireweed up on a hillside so I would be able to come home and make Thermofax screens of Fireweed.

 The Swallowtail Buterfly image below is a Thermofax screen converted from a photo I took of a butterfly on my iris!

I am quite satisfied with the way this journal turned out.  I feel it has a lushness and depth that is visually gratifying.  It inspires me to do more.....


  1. I love the layers... something I would like to try to use more in my fiber art. And your thermofax screens are a wonderful addition to your art. Thanks for sharing your journal!

  2. Truly beautiful work. I don't comment much but have to say your visual journal is amazing. I want to dive into it. I also love all your outdoor photos. I love your blog. Brings me places I haven't been. Thank you.
