Cynthia St. Charles Store

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Visual Journal Bird Pages - Scanned

 This page is essentially the cover. (above)

The writing I did in the journal is all connected (no spaces).  I am not necessarily writing anything that would be interesting or inspiring to anyone - so no need to make it legible.  I am just sort of filling in some background with another layer that makes it personal (with my own unique handwriting).....doing this cursive writing is my least favorite part of the whole visual journaling thing I am exploring right now (partly because it hurts my hand!)  I may try creating a journal with no personal writing,  but as I work on the pages - I find the pages without handwriting are less interesting to look at.


  1. I'm curious... did you do the writing first, then the other layers? It does add to the texture of the pages, but I can see how it would be very tedious and painful... we don't write that much anymore. Sounds like making a screen of a page of your writing would be a good way to solve this if you are just looking to achieve the visual results.

  2. Judy, I have been experimenting with doing the writing at various stages of layering. I have also been experimenting with leaving the writing off. However, since it is a "journal" it seems like the writing needs to be there. Both for visual reasons as well as for meaning. I do have screens of my writing as well as the writing of other people, and I have tried using them (the white cursive that is upside down is a screen print of my grandmother's writing). Thermofax screen printing on paper is not nearly as successful as on fabric. It is sort of frustrating. The paper is not as absorbent and the prints often bleed or smear. I have been experimenting with all kinds of ways of doing it, but have not yet arrived at a solution that satisfies. I have worked on a number of these type visual journals through the fall - will show those over time, but I still have lots of Alaska to post, so am mixing up what I post. Thanks for your interest and ideas. Stay tuned!

  3. I forgot you were working on paper... duh! I'm sure if there is a better way to do it, you'll come up with it. I always enjoy watching your progress on your many projects, very inspiring!
