Cynthia St. Charles Store

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Montana Mudcloth in the Running

 I really loved this piece when I printed it several years ago.  The fabric was eco dyed using wild sunflowers.  I carved a series of printing blocks with this format in mind.  Once it was printed I admired it on my design wall until I needed the wall space for something else and then it went into a drawer for 3 or 4 years.  This whole cloth piece could be easily quilted up and bound and ready to go.  It easily fits the theme "Pattern".  It easily fits the 40x40 dimensions. It is actually a rectangle, so several inches would be cut off to make the 40 x 40" size.
But is it too dull?  Too drab?  Too simple?  These are the questions I ask myself as I consider it.  Tomorrow I will post it in a different orientation with some of my other ideas for making it more artful.  Interested in your ideas, in the meantime.


  1. This is a beautiful piece, definitely an eye catcher. Looking forward to your other ideas. I wonder how you would quilt so that you don't diminish the effect of the stamping...

  2. I really like this however feel it might benefit from a focal point.

    Have you considered taking some of the lovely collages you have posted recently and using the available fabrics to replicate them on a larger scale?

    Looking forward to seeing your ideas.

  3. This is an absolutely gorgeous piece. Definitely not dull. I would be so hesitant to cut that beauty. Whatever you do will be wonderful. Love your posts!
