Cynthia St. Charles Store

Monday, August 3, 2009

Beartooth Hike - Becker Lake with Mike and Alex

Sunday Hike on the Top of the Beartooth Mountains

Island Lake - this is the trailhead location for the hike to Becker Lake. This is a great first hike because it begins at the top of the mountain plateau and so there is very little elevation gain on the trail.
3 1/2 miles in - we arrived at our destination - Becker Lake. Becker is a large lovely lake with the clearest deep water.

We saw these lovely Alpine Poppies along the way. The wildflowers were fabulous!

We fished at Becker for a while - caught both Cutthroat and Brooke trout.

We fished until the weather forced us to take cover under the pines.

The hike out was somewhat damp. It was nice that the showers brought the mosquitoes somewhat under control.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely Wildflower Photos! Ah! The Mosquitoes! The worst part of our Yellowstone adventure were those pesky critters! I get spoiled being in mosquito free Southern CA!
