It has been a busy summer so far, lots of travel and family distractions (3 month old grandson has been hospitalized multiple times, both daughters who live nearby are moving this month, etc.).
Home for a couple of weeks - I thought it was time to do some Gelatin Plate Printing.
Home for a couple of weeks - I thought it was time to do some Gelatin Plate Printing.

I wanted to make a large plate this time, so I used a 24 x 32" sheet of tempered glass. Not sure where this glass came from . . . something Joe had laying around.
I first created a tightly sealed dam around all 4 edges using modeling clay.
Then, I mixed up my gelatin. It should be a very stiff mixture - 2 Tablespoons of unflavored gelatin to 1 cup of cool water. Carefully stir the gelatin into the water so you don't get lumps. Then, heat until the gelatin dissolves. Cool slightly and pour into your leveled printing surface.
I buy my gelatin in bulk at the health food store.

A shallow baking pan can also be used as a form for the plate, but I like this process best. You get nice interesting edges when you remove the modeling clay after the gelatin has set up.
These irregular edges give a nice look to a print. I like to print in the center of a piece of fabric that is larger than my plate, leaving a nice white margin around the edges that really sets off the print - sort of like a built in mat board.
I was hoping you would go on, detailing the rest of the process!
What do you do with the modeling clay when you take it away from the gelatin? Wash it, throw it away?
Wonderful! I have been wanting to try gelatin plate printing, but never had room in the fridge to set it up! Oh, boy.... can't wait!
Lisa, I do wash it off (or let it dry and peel away the dried gelatin pieces). Then, I put it away and reuse it next time. This way, I always have just the right amount of clay on hand. This particular batch has been reused at least 3 times.
Is the baby allright, now?
In the Netherlands we have only transparant sheets of gelatin, no powdered. Did you ever use these sheets, too?
I tried to buy powdered Gelatin during our holidays in Canada last month, but only found coloured/flavoured gelatin in small amounts. I bought some of these, maybe it will give an extra, special color?!
Can't wait to see your results!
You have nice tutorials, I read them all, thank you for share with us. Your fabrics are very beautiful.
You probably printed right away on these? I would imagine they wouldn't have a very long shelf life. Would love to see the prints you pulled from this plate. :D
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