I love this one - don't you? This is the first print (above).
Second print is shown below. I got 4 prints off this one, also.

This is a good example of the beauty of the irregular edge of the print against the stark white fabric - looks like a mat on a painting, sort of. Notice, also, how the gelatin has started to break down, giving more texture to the print - in addition to the details left by my fingers on the paint. I am going to have fun with this one!

So what I am wondering, is if you continue to use the same gelatin, clearing it off each time you want a different palette of colors? And if so, how many batches and times can you do this before it breaks down completely and you have to start all over from the beginning?
Looks like another technique with endless possibilities. And something that could be done with artists of all ages...
Thanks for posting this!
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