This is was started by Someguy in San Francisco, who decided to distribute 1000 blank journals in various locations, hoping people would add to them and pass them on.
A website for all the scanned images of journal entries was established. You can visit that website here.
There has been a book released - called "The 1000 Journals Project", which contains excerpts from those first 1000 journals. I ordered a copy from Amazon. I will be giving that copy to my step-daughter, Erin for Christmas.
I decided I would also like to give her a blank journal, which I have registered with the 1001 Journals Project. This journal is for her to write in, and then send off into the world, hoping that it will find its way back someday.
I decorated the cover and added an entry to several pages, which I have scanned and added to the 1001 Journals website.
The journal has been assigned # 2557, so anytime, it will be possible to view pages that have been scanned and uploaded - even before the journal comes back home! 
This is the cover art I did.

This is the cover art I did.

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